Last update 5 June, 2022 makes considerable efforts to ensure that the information available on the site is updated, but please be aware that the information provided on this website may not be complete or accurate.
The information on this website is intended for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice to assess your eligibility for immigration to Canada. The individuals should contact a qualified Canadian immigration lawyer to seek professional advice related to their immigration category before taking any decision or investing basis the information contained on this website. Nevertheless, if you choose to use the content or the information provided on this website, it will be done at your own responsibility, and we do not accept any legal liability for any error, loss, or damage incurred due to reliance on or the use of the information provided on this website.
The Canadian immigration laws, policies, and regulations constantly evolve, and the latest information may not reflect on our website. For the latest and updated information, directly visit the government website.