Family Sponsorship to Canada

Family Sponsorship -Spouse to Canada: Am I Eligible?

Family Sponsorship is given utmost importance in Canada.In order to sponsor your spouse or partner in Canada, you must fulfill the following conditions:

  • You must be at least 18 years old.
  • You must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada.
  • You must be living in Canada.
  • You must prove that you can provide for the basic needs and are willing to support your spouse or partner and a dependent child, if any.
  • You may need to meet the minimum necessary income requirement.
  • You must be free from any earlier sponsorship undertaking before applying and must not have defaulted on any past sponsorship agreement.
  • You must not be receiving any social assistance except for disability.

Who Can I Sponsor?

Under the spouse or common-law partner sponsorship program, you can sponsor to Canada your

  • Spouse
  • Common-Law Partner
  • Conjugal Partner

Spouse: is whom you are legally married to, can be of the same sex, and are at least 18 years of age.
Common-law partner: is one who is not legally married but has been living with who you for at least 12 consecutive months. Your partner should be at least 18 years of age.
Conjugal partner: is not legally married to you or in a common-law relationship with you. You both have been relationship for at least 1 year and are at least 18 years old. However, you both cannot live together in your country of residence or marry due to significant legal and immigration reasons.

How do I apply for spousal sponsorship?

Based on your existing conditions, you can apply for sponsoring your spouse or partner through:
Inland Spousal Sponsorship
Apply under this if your spouse or common-law partner:
  • Lives with you in Canada
  • Holds a valid temporary resident status in Canada
  • Must stay in Canada while the application is under process
  • Your spouse or common-law partner may be eligible for an open work permit
Family Sponsorship application from outside Canada

Apply under this if your spouse or common-law partner:

  • Lives outside of Canada or
  • Lives with you in Canada but will not be able to stay
    when the application is in process




Parent Grandparent program-Family Sponsorship

Am I eligible to Sponsor under the Parent Grandparent Program (PGP) Canada?

  • You must have completed an Interest to Sponsor form on the IRCC website and should have received an invitation to apply.
  • You must be at least 18 years old.
  • You must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada.
  • You must be living in Canada.
  • You must show that you are willing to support and can provide for the basic needs of your parents or grandparents.
  • You, along with a cosignee (if any), should sign an undertaking to provide the necessary financial support.
  • You may need to meet the minimum necessary income requirement.
  • You must not be receiving any social assistance for reasons other than a disability.
  • You must be free from any earlier sponsorship undertaking before applying and must not have defaulted on any past sponsorship agreement.

Who can I sponsor?

Under the PGP (Parents Grandparents Program), you can sponsor
  • Your parents or grandparents (even if related by adoption).
  • In case of divorce, you can sponsor both under a separate application.
  • If a parent has a current spouse, you can sponsor both, but your parent will be the main applicant.
  • Any dependent sister, brother, half brother, half-sister, stepbrother, or stepsister.
  • Cannot sponsor your spouse’s parents or grandparents. You can be a cosignee, and your spouse needs to be the sponsor in that case

How can I sponsor my Parents or Grandparents under the PGP Program?

The PGP program is a 2 step process. In the first step, you need to submit your Interest to Sponsor to the IRCC when the application window opens. Once you receive the invitation, you need collect all documents specific to your profile and make two applications. One will be for sponsorship will be raised by you and second application for Permanent resident status will be made by your parents or grandparents.
In case, you are looking for other options to invite your parents or grandparents to Canada, you can explore the below visas or get in touch with us

Dependent Child Sponsorship:

Who is a dependent child?

Children must fulfill the definition of a dependent child to be eligible for sponsorship:
  • The child must be under 22 years of age
  • The child must be a biological or an adopted child of a permanent resident or a Canadian Citizen.
  • The child should not be married or in a common-law relationship.
A child over 22 years of age may qualify as a dependent child only if :
  • Due to certain physical or mental conditions, the child cannot support himself.
  • They have been dependent on their parents for financial support since before the age of 22.

Who can Sponsor?

  • You must be at least 18 years old
  • You must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada
  • You must be living in Canada
  • You must be able to prove your relationship with the child
  • You must be able to provide for the basic needs of the child and willing to support him
  • You must be free from any earlier sponsorship undertaking before applying and must not have defaulted on any past sponsorship agreement
  • You must not be getting any social assistance except for disability

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time does it take to sponsor your spouse or common-law partner to Canada?

The processing time of the spousal sponsorship application depends on the nature of your case and the program under which you are applying. On average, it takes approximately 12 months right from the start to the end. The best way to fast-track your application is to ensure that all the required documents are submitted, and your application is made right.
It is best to seek professional support to apply it right the very first time. Get in touch with our RCIC consultant today.

How much money do you need to show to sponsor your spouse, common-law partner, or conjugal to Canada?

There is no minimum income requirement that you need to show for sponsoring a spouse, common-law partner, or conjugal partner. You might have to meet income requirements if you are sponsoring a spouse or partner who has a dependent child, and the child has one or more children of their own. However, you need to sign an undertaking that states that
you promise to provide for the basic needs of the sponsored spouse or partner. The undertaking is valid for 3 years from the day the sponsored person becomes a Canadian Permanent Resident

How long am I financially responsible under the Family Sponsorship undertaking for the family member that I have sponsored?

As a sponsor, you must sign an undertaking stating that you promise to financially support the person sponsored and take care of their basic needs. This undertaking starts from the
day the person you sponsor becomes a permanent resident of Canada. The validity of the undertaking depends on the

  • The sponsored person's relationship with you
  • The age of the person sponsored
  • Province in which you live ( Quebec has a different duration)
Family SponsorshipLength of undertaking
(All provinces except Quebec)
Spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner3 years
Dependent child under 22 years of age10 years, or until age 25, whichever is earlier
Dependent child 22 years or older3 years
Parents/ Grandparents20 years
Other relative10 years

You are required to fulfill the obligation of this undertaking even if:

  • Your relationship with the sponsored person changes.
  • You have a financial issue
  • The sponsored person becomes a Canadian Citizen

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